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SUB Photo Hours
SUB Photo offers graduation photos year-round to anyone! Our studio is located in S.U.B. at the University of Alberta. Visit us for professional headshots, passport photos, and more.

Mon:  10:00am - 4:30pm
Tue:  11:00am - 5:00pm*
Wed:  9:30am - 5:00pm
Thur:  9:30am - 5:00pm
Fri:  9:30am - 4:30pm
* Extended hours may be available

Visit our booking calendar
Photo appointments must be made in advance. Click Here:
Book Your Photos!

SUB Photo Brand Assets


Graphics on this page are copyrighted by SUB Photo | New Light Photography.  Permission is granted to student groups and schools promoting our services to use these assets.

Brand Name:

Despite the capitalization in our logo, in print we use SUB Photo
SUB is an acronym for "Students' Union Building", but we normally do not include periods between the letters (SUB not S.U.B.). 
Photo is capitalized and there is one space between the two parts. 



Hex: #f09022
RGB: rgb(240, 144, 34)
Hex: #333333
RGB: rgb(51, 51, 51)



Primary website font:
Quicksand from Google Fonts



Logo with transparent background:

Link: logo-subphoto.png
HTML: <img src="">

Logo with white background:

Link: logo-subphoto.jpg
HTML: <img src="">

Grad cap graphic:

Link: gradcap1.png
HTML: <img src="">


University of Alberta Colours (for reference only):

UofA Green:
Hex: #275d38 RGB: rgb(39, 93, 56)
UofA Gold:
Hex: #f2cd00 RGB: rgb(242, 205, 0)

The University of Alberta uses the Roboto font-family.

For more details on UofA branding, visit:


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